Friday, November 20, 2015

Power, Agency, Representation: Movies, Independent Film, TV, Literature (Presentation Summary)

"Only 12% of all clearly identifiable protagonists were female in 2014. This represents a decrease of 3 percentage points from 2013 and a decrease of 4 percentage points from 2002. In 2014, 75% of protagonists were male, and 13% were male/female ensembles. For the purposes of this study, protagonists are the characters from whose perspective the story is told....the findings aren't surprising, but the results are still depressing." (Indiewire)

Sexism, racism, and misrepresentation have always occurred on screen and through major media outlets that we are exposed to on a daily basis. Contrary to advertisements, viewers take ownership of the movies, televisions shows, literary novels, and independent films they watch and/or follow and acknowledge their influence, or lack thereof.

In this presentation, we will expand on three major media outlets that have shaped, influenced, or otherwise challenged our understanding of gender roles, ethnic (mis)representations, and stereotypes. The three media outlets we selected for this presentation include: independent film and video, television, and literature. Throughout our presentation we will be identifying and expanding on power, agency and representation in those major outlets.

Asmaa Abbas
Jonathan Ayala
Thalia Primitivo

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