Friday, December 11, 2015

Final Project: #ArmoredFems

After being attacked by a man in my own building during the course of this semester and successfully fighting him off I was exhausted. I was exhausted, not only physically but mentally. My issue with the attack was when I called the cops there was no aid provided and I was left feeling unsafe. I turned to the media to expose what had happened to me, after seeing the support my friends and peers provided me it restored some peace of mind. I wanted to provide this for others as well as provide media which fought against rape culture which is so harmful to us. I relived that night many times, through conversations and interactions. My attacker is still out there, and no justice has been brought but through sharing my story, and hearing other's stories I have been able to conquer that night.

What inspired the name
ArmoredFems is a project I want to work on until I'm able to make it into an overall project perhaps even a publication.I came up with the name after I saw Rihanna's gun tattoo. I wanted a name which empowered while also focused on the way which feminine bodies are at risk every day. Armored fems is just that. As a queer afro-latino I understood that when my attacker saw me dressed androgynously and saw my body he placed a stereotype on me. He assumed I was weak just because of his association with the feminine. I want to dispel this notion that femininity is weak which is present in society as well as very present in the gay community. I wear my femininity with pride and I want to encourage that.

At first I seeked out to create a space in which I could discuss how to combat rapist physically. I felt like the issue was that I was not prepared. Then I thought longer and realized I was blaming myself, and I wasn't addressing the issue directly. I shouldn't have to be a karate king to defend myself, it shouldn't be something society requires. I wanted to provide media which seeked to educate and perhaps influence someone to change their ways. I wanted to do it in a way which people would approach it comfortable yet understand the severity while also providing fashion blogging, reviews and news.

Work by Anastasia Lovera Titled "The Proof is Here"
Armored Fems on instagram is meant to be digestible knowledge which can be revisited later (which is why I provide links for many of the things I discuss). It is meant to be aesthetically pleasing while also informing my followers about what's going on in the feminist world. Armored Fems the blog is meant to be a place of inspiration and original content. On it I hope to provide works that have gone through a feminist filter and deal with a social issue or presents some type of change. Right now I have original works up they range from personal narratives to academic essays from peers who feel like sharing their work. I've always been a fan of essays, and for those who are looking for wholesome pieces really dealing with issues they can find them here.

This winter I have scheduled a "feminist kiki" which is basically a space in which we will surround ourselves with feminist media. I want it to be a dress up party and really encourage my guest to dress as their feminist icons and we can discuss it all. I hope to see lots of different characters and really have a fun time while creating an environment which is safe for everyone. I am also working with some artist, such as Anastasia Lovera to work on a logo since her works focus on the feminine, since it's so important to uphold femininity in our patriarchy.

A big project which I had hope to have accomplished by now is the shoot "What's Your Armor?" I want to represent different feminine bodies, and due to scheduling problems and vacations I wasn't able to do so. I will have a personal video of me preparing for my night out and discussing how what I wear and the choices I make are more difficult than that of a cis white man. I want to provide a juxtaposition with one of my white cis male peers. This should be up before Christmas if my cinematographer is back in time.

If you're interested in sharing your work or being a part of it please contact me at