Thursday, September 10, 2015

Yuyun Zou

            Living in media convergence era, the media becomes a part of my daily life. I usually spend a couple hours to engage in media activities everyday. It makes my life to become easier. For example, if I encounter some problem, I will go to to find a solution and try it. I enjoy different forms of media such as Skype, YouTube, Vimeo, iPhone, ebook, Google, Facebook, Blog, etc. I use Skype a lot. It’s very convenient for me to work with a global team. YouTube is my favorite. I can find a bunch of tutorials to learn whatever I want. 
            As a female Chinese American, traditional Chinese culture influences me a lot. Traditional Chinese culture sought harmony between man and the universe and emphasized an individual's ethics and morality. In ancient Chinese culture, people believe that artist’s work carries all messages the artist has. That is why ancient Chinese culture emphasizes that as an artist, the most important thing is to upgrade his or her moral standard to be a good person, a better person. I follow my eyes and my heart to express myself with my works.
           As a media major student, my dream is to be a producer. The Internet offers me great resources. For example, In Fiverr,

only 5 dollars, I can hire someone to do professional video animation, intro or promotion as well as other post production works. That's amazing and incredible. The Internet encourages closed communities because it has made the world becoming a global village. The more technology develops, the more I get close to the media. Even though I realize the side effects of the Internet, the traditional Chinese culture gives me enough power to self-restraint.

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