Monday, September 14, 2015

Post1. My relationship to media consumption.

I believe that the world we live in not black-and-white but, rather, it has many different colors in it. Therefore, there isn't one right opinion on a particular topic, but several, expert and non-expert opinions and all of them, at minimum, deserve to be heard.

This approach to things in life can describe my relationship with media as that of a selective media consumer. All information that comes my way from Internet, radio, newspapers or TV, regardless whether I agree with it or not, first undergoes a careful triage and critical perception. If I watch some news program on CNN, for example, I am very interested to know how the topic is covered by Fox or BBC. I would eventually read on the topic at on-line newspapers in Russian (my mother tongue) just to compare the oppositional views. The one such on-line Russian newspaper I go to for an alternative opinion is called  I call it “newspaper always bad news” because almost everything in it is presented in a somewhat negative way, but the abundance and diversity of content cannot be matched.

Although I love entertainment media in almost all of the formats – music, Facebook, TV, movies, sport events – I prefer to spend my time with my family and friends that involves very little media interaction: camping, hiking, beach, playing sports, playing with my son.

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