Friday, September 11, 2015

What Defines Us

From childhood to present, multimedia consumption has been integrated into my daily routine. It has evolved over time, and now encompasses many industries (such as news, entertainment, etc). Whether it's in the form of television, watching a "Let's Play" on Youtube, or absentmindedly updating my Facebook or Twitter, entire hours of my day are devoted to engaging in media consumption. To a certain extent, everything feels simplified. All of my social media platforms and news applications are on one device, my iPad. I can even choose to watch television on my iPad. We live in the age of digital media, and it will only keep pushing forward. 

Like it or not, much of my personality has been influenced by my media consumption. For example, going back to one of my go-to pastimes, watching a "Let's Play" on one of my preferred channels on Youtube puts me at ease, a form of stress relief. In a day, I could lose hours just watching them. I often catch myself using phrases heard from these Youtube personalities in my personal life, almost subconsciously. I've even gone so far as to create my own Youtube channel, where I feel the freedom that comes with being a media producer. And in regards to both Twitter and Facebook, I tend to use what's "trending" as a means to initiate or advance conversation. In the greater discussion of media consumption, however, I often wonder if we as a people are overexposed to it.
Achievement Hunter: A Youtube channel that successfully employs the "Let's Play" format
As a result, I make it a point to "keep it old school" when I can, whether it's going to the movies instead of binge-watching a series on Netflix or going to the comic book store for a paper copy instead of downloading it electronically. All in all though, digital media is the future, and it will only keep advancing. A quote from my elementary school teacher often comes to mind: "Idleness is the enemy of the soul". Media consumption is fine in moderation. Embrace it as a tool that can simplify your life and keep people connected across the world, but be conscious of it when it begins to hinder productivity.  

There is good to be had from media consumption. It gave me a definitive understanding of feminism, and I have since embraced it. Through websites such as Tumblr, I have connected with people with inherently different beliefs, ideologies, and backgrounds. I've seen greater open-mindedness, and with open-mindedness comes understanding. Therefore, I maintain that media can be used as a tool to foster interpersonal communication and personal growth. After all, you can't hope to be a well-rounded individual unless you can walk a mile in someone else's shoes. As technology changes and media adapts to it (or perhaps we are the ones adapting), I look forward to the continued age of digital media, and my place in it.

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