Friday, September 11, 2015

Who do you think you are? - J.Reyes

I consume a lot of media. I can easily binge watch whole seasons of TV shows. I read comic books on my phone every day on my subway commute. I listen to music on my phone and computer through a subscription service.

The type of media I spend the most amount of disposable income on is video games.

In my day job, I work for a massive global media corporation in the media technology services department. I am partly responsible for distributing video content for people of all ages to many countries all over the world.

I spend a lot of time on Reddit. It can be an awful place but I think there is a skill in using Reddit as a starting point for researching ideas and finding decent points of view.
I don't participate much in social media, although I have an Instagram account that I sometimes use. I never use my twitter account, I don't really understand it.
The question about shared mass media events is tough for me, I don't feel particularly in touch with mainstream media these days unless it's something mentioned on the Daily Show. Just thinking about upcoming election coverage and people's misguidedly bigoted Facebook spam makes me nauseous. I suppose I'm disillusioned.

Media and my fascination with its manipulation, are one of the most important parts of my identity. I have worked at various stages of media production and I am a practicing digital media artist with a body of work in interactive media for live events.

My religion is Star Trek.

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