Saturday, October 24, 2015

Project Proposal

The different services that Planned Parenthood
provides, and the countless number of
benefits people can attain from the program. 
          What I would like to do is create a video that demonstrates the importance of Planned Parenthood, and how beneficial it is to people, by portraying a world without it. This video would essentially be a short film in which I showcase several different scenarios of struggles that people face, that would easily be solved with a program such as Planned Parenthood.  The scenarios would be stories I have collected from the internet, that describe people’s experiences and how their lives were positively affected or changed by Planned Parenthood. I would then invert the stories to contradict those positive experiences, and portray a situation in which nobody was able to help the person when they needed it the most.  After each scene/struggle, the screen would fade to black and I would include statistics about how many people who endured such struggles were provided for with the program to show how necessary Planned Parenthood is because of how wide reaching their assistance is.           
            The reason I chose Planned Parenthood is because I feel so strongly about the fact that it is a program that is necessary for so many Americans.  The fact that people even consider to shut it down or end funding for it is almost like removing the right for people to seek affordable medical assistance. It reveals how little some Americans care about those who aren’t wealthy, and need such
I will be able to get some stories of peoples' experiences
from twitter, and base my video off of some of those stories. 
assistance. Not only are the poor discriminated with debates to end Planned Parenthood, but women especially are. The needs of women are constantly being put last, and this issue is just another example of it. Women are told all the time what they should be doing with their body, and ending Planned Parenthood is just another way to control the woman body, instead of helping a woman make the best decision for herself on what to do with her own body. I also resent the fact that in order to gain more followers to end Planned Parenthood, people targeted one aspect of what the program provides, which is abortion. The debate between pro-life and pro-choice has blown up in the media, and a large portion of the population believes that abortions are the only thing Planned Parenthood provides, feeding the assumption that the program is doing more bad than good and that women are the only ones who use their resources.

            I would like to create a video about how important Planned Parenthood is because I think the program deserves recognition for all good it has been able to provide. Creating a video will help me to portray the program’s effects on people in a visual and emotional way. Even if I will not reach a vast audience, I will still be able to reach out to my friends and show them things they may not have realized about Planned Parenthood before. This project will also help my friends and I collaborate on ideas, and improve our skills on criticizing the media, but also skills in camera work, editing, and whatever additional artwork will be necessary.

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