Saturday, October 17, 2015

On Sex and Advertising


Sex sells. What does it sell, exactly? Apparently, sex can sell anything and ends up selling everything, from clothing and fragrances, to children's toys, to food. [ TODO: expand this ]

What is it about sex that is so compelling? Some say it taps into a more primal urge. Some say it plays upon social taboos. Some say it feeds into existing desires usually unmet. [ TODO: cite these, expand this ]

Who do these adverts target? [ TODO: analyze demographics, expand this ]

What effect does media ownership have on the usage of sexual presentation and themes in advertising? Some say that because mass media is most commonly owned by "rich, old-fashioned white men" that sexual advertising is indicative of methods of thinking of rich, old-fashioned white men attempting to cater to younger white men with disposable income. The commonality of presenting women in an objectifying manner seems to support this. [ TODO: cite these, expand this ]

Why is sex represented so disproportionately in advertising? While both men and women are both often presented sexually, the amount of adverts presenting women sexually vastly overwhelm those that present men in an equivalent manner. It is often said that presentation of women in media is to cater to the sexual fantasies of men, while the presentation of men in media is to cater to the power and dominance fantasies of those same men. [ TODO: cite these, expand this ]

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