Saturday, October 24, 2015

Exploring Audio

For my final project, I want to create an audio documentary. I have always wanted to explore audio, and I felt as if this project would be a great way to do that. My topic for this is the rise of alternative media, and its relationship with young women of color. I want to examine how platforms like Tumblr, have allowed young women of color to come together, thus creating communities and using media outlets to represent themselves and their stories. Such as the artheux movement or the Smart Girls Club. Groups which have created zines, radio shows, and just giving themselves a voice when they are typically not represented. I also want to discuss this lack of representation in main stream media, and how that affects them.

I was planning on recording conversations and interviews that I will have with a variety of young women of color on the topics on how they feel about this new voice, the good and the bad.  At the moment, I have ten women in mind. I’m hoping to interview the girls that created the Smart Girls Club and some of the artist from the artheux movment.  As well as incorporate my own narrative and recordings of professionals that discuss the struggles of women of color such as Bell Hooks. I would also want to incorporate other sounds such as music or ordinary day to day sounds like a train coming into the station, or the background noise at a beauty salon. Just to create an atmosphere within the piece.

For production, I plan to use my I phone to record everything. I'm constantly interviewing people for the school culture magazine and my internship at Fader, so I think striking conversations would be easy for me. But the idea of compiling the audio into a cohesive project is new and the challenge of this project for me. I plan to use Garageband on my mac, and watch a lot of YouTube videos on how to do that.  I would use Sound cloud to share the piece, and eventually I would like to premier it through my magazine Nonsense mag, as a feature. In the hopes, to bring attention to this new found voice women of color have created for them selves. And when I present to the class, I would like to project imagery to go along with the audio.

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